
Mr. Md. Shariful Islam

Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General (Senior)

Mr. Md. Shariful Islam has joined as the 52nd Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General (Senior) on 09 October, 2024.

He joined the Bangladesh Civil Service in 1995 in 15th Batch. He performed in a wide range of government service at various capacities, mainly in Financial Management, Budgeting, Accounting, Program Management, Auditing and Administration. During his long career, Mr. Islam worked in the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General (C&AG), Office of the Controller General of Accounts (CGA), Additional Director General (Finance), Bangladesh Railway and Controller General Defence Finance (CGDF).

Mr. Islam was passionate about introducing e-Governance in Finance and engaged in a supervisory role at the IFMIS (iBAS++) development and implementation process. During his illustrious career in Civil Service, he successfully headed two recruitment committees and a total of 2500 employees (Auditor, Junior Auditor, Office Assistant and others) were added to the manpower of Audit & Accounts Department of Bangladesh.

He graduated with a Bachelor degree in Science with Honours and Masters of Science in Botany from Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh. In addition, he attended many professional training courses at home and abroad which are specialized in Public Financial Management. Some of these are Public Sector Auditing (Malaysia), Government Finance Statistics (Singapore), Procurement Audit and Systems for prevention and detection of Fraud and Corruption (Italy), Audit Quality Management (India) and trainings at FIMA Dhaka, Bangladesh etc.

Before joining as Deputy Comptroller and Auditor General (Senior) Mr. Islam worked as Additional Director General (Finance), Bangladesh Railway, Deputy Executive Project Director (Fund Management), SEIP Project, Ministry of Finance, Director General, FAPAD, Deputy C&AG (Procedure), FA&CAO (West) Rajshahi, Additional CGA (Admin) and other responsible capacities of the Audit & Accounts Department.

Mr. Islam was born in a respected noble Muslim family of Jhenaidah. In his personal life, he is married and blessed with two sons.
